Lake Chaffe

Lake Chaffee was formed from a small pond and surrounding swamp when an earthen dam/levee was installed sometime prior to 1934. The community is comprised of about 700 lots and presently fewer than 260 Lake Chaffee property owners.

  • The best kept secret in Connecticut
    A private lake community.
  • 54 Acres and 8,400 feet of shoreline
    856 feet above sea level
    A mean depth of 6 feet.

Latest News

Message from the Board

The July Membership Meeting is scheduled for July 21st., 11AM in Chaffee Hall. This will be the election of Board Members along with any other important matters that need discussion at that time. Anyone who is interested in joining the board can reach out to the current officers for further information about open positions either as officers, board members or alternate members. All officers serve for a one year term, as do alternate Board Members. Regular Board Members serve for a three year term.

We are desperately in need of someone who would like to take on the role of Treasurer, who, with the help of the LCIA bookkeeper, oversees the flow of money in and out of the association, and reports to the Board of Directors at the monthly meetings. The Treasurer is a voting member of the Board and fully participates in the decision-making of the Board.
Following are the details of this position:
-- Collecting the mailed in payments from LCIA residents at the Post Office and depositing to the local bank
-- Working with the Board of Directors to prioritize payment of bills
-- Writing and mailing checks to pay expenses
-- Forwarding information about monies received and funds spent to the LCIA bookkeeper
-- Reportin.g to the Board at monthly meetings regarding payments, receipts, and balances
Should you be interested in pursuing this role, or would like additional information, please contact Marty Connors, President of LCIA at or by phone at 860-490-8880.

In addition, there are several chairperson positions which will need to be filled, including but not necessarily limited to Beach, Dam, and Road Chairs. Chairpersons are not elected by open election but are appointed by the Board. Two new groups are also being considered: Welcome Committee and Willing Helpers Committee. Additional committee members are also needed to assist the chairs.

The LCIA Board members would like to encourage anyone who is curious about or interested in any of these roles to attend one of our upcoming meetings to learn more, and talk to the current board members.

The Poker Run will take place on July 20th starting at 10AM and ending at 1PM sharp. Come join the fun by buying a card at Chaffee Hall for $10.00, going to the various stops around the lake to draw a card, and returning your card to the Hall. The best poker hand wins!

If at any time you have questions about what is acceptable here at Lake Chaffee, you may refer to the Ordinances here on this site, or contact one of the Board Members. These regulations have been created by the board and voted on by members at the time of their implimentation. They are in place to keep Lake Chaffee a safe and enjoyable place for all.

State of the Lake

July water testing may not take place as there is a need for a minimum of 2 full days without rain, 3 days preferrably. Based on the forecast it may be difficult to draw the water samples. Know that Lake Chaffee has had consistently excellent test results over the years and therefore there is little reason for concern. A water test will be done in early August as weather permits.

If you have Purple Loosestrife growing a long your waterfront, please remove the flowers and bag them. Then pull up the plants from the roots to help stop the growth of this invasive plant a long our shoreline. Additional information can be found at: and search for Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria L.)

Upcoming Things to Do at the Lake

Poker Run - July 20th - Start at Chaffee Hall at 10:00 AM to obtain card and map. $10 per card. Ending time is 1:00 sharp! Best poker hand wins!
ANNUAL Membership Meetings – Please join us at the hall
June - Sunday June 23rd @ 11am
July - Sunday July 21st @ 11am
August - Sunday August 18th @ 11am

Recurring News of Interest

Monthly LCIA Meetings

The monthly meetings are being held in person at Chaffee hall, however if Covid resurfaces as a threat they may be held virtually via conference calls. For information on how to participate in these meetings click here. If you have topics to discuss please do let the board know ahead and also check the hall bulletin board for information regarding where/how the meeting will be held each month. We do want to hear from you!

lake chaffee forecasts